Swapping Tether (USDT) to Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a safe, easy and convenient process with Zengo. Trade your Tether for Shiba Inu tokens today without making any mistakes with the Web3-ready non-custodial Zengo wallet app.
Tether (USDT) is a cryptocurrency classified as a ‘’stablecoin’’ that is pegged to the value of the United States dollar. Tether tokens are issued by a Hong Kong-based company called iFinex, a FinTech company that also manages the cryptocurrency exchange BitFinex. In 2014, Tether initially launched as RealCoin, but it rebranded to Tether later that year. As of writing, Tether is the third-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, and it accounts for two-thirds of Bitcoin’s exchange-traded value. Because Tether’s value is pegged to the dollar, it is less volatile compared to other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin.
Shiba Inu is an Ethereum-based dog-themed ‘’meme coin’’ that features the Shiba Inu hunting dog breed as its mascot. Shiba Inu (SHIB) is an ERC-20 decentralized cryptocurrency token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. It was created in August 2020 by an anonymous person or group known as Ryoshi, and most of the cryptocurrency community considers it to be an alternative to Dogecoin (DOGE).
To trade Tether for Shiba Inu or vice versa, you need to download and install the Zengo wallet app from the Google Play or Apple App Store first and set up your account.
Once you’ve set up your Zengo wallet app and finalized the onboarding process, follow the steps below to swap Tether for Shiba Inu tokens.
Open the Zengo wallet app and tap the ‘’Actions’’ button found in the main menu.
Tap the ‘’Trade’’ button.
Select Tether and Shiba Inu and enter the amount of Tether or Shiba Inu tokens you want to swap for one another.
Tap on the ‘’Confirm’’ button and wait for the Zengo app to send you a notification. You will receive a push notification telling you that the funds have arrived safely in your Zengo account.
Swapping Tether for Shiba Inu is an easy and straightforward process with the next-gen Zengo cryptocurrency wallet. Easily swap USDT for SHIB on the go, just like thousands of other Zengo users. Other key reasons to use Zengo are:
With the Web3-ready Zengo non-custodial wallet, you can buy, sell, send, receive, trade, and swap digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Chainlink, and Dogecoin. Apart from cryptocurrencies, the Zengo wallet also supports NFTs, and you can access NFT markets like OpenSea directly from within the wallet app. Additionally, Zengo functions as a full-fledged Web3 gateway to Metaverse gaming and decentralized finance via WalletConnect.
Zengo is the safest and most secure non-custodial wallet app available on the market that utilizes the latest MPC technology to assure the safety of your digital assets through biometrical 3-factor authentication. With Zengo, you never have to write down complicated seed phrases or print out QR codes anymore. Simply log in to the app with your facial ID instead to access your cryptocurrency holdings.
The Zengo wallet is completely Web3-ready and fully non-custodial, meaning that users hold the fate of their cryptocurrencies in their own hands and are in total control of their own private keys. With Zengo, you can send, receive, trade, and swap digital assets effortlessly and conveniently wherever you are, whenever you want.
Zengo allows you to trade a wide variety of cryptocurrencies on multiple blockchains against low, competitive fees. In addition, Zengo doesn’t charge transaction fees to send or receive cryptocurrencies; however, certain third-party services require payments and network fees. As a Zengo user, you decide how much transaction fees you pay. Click here to see our complete fee overview.
Zengo guarantees the safety of your digital asset portfolio. In case you lose your mobile device or forget your login details, you can simply make use of Zengo’s biometric and keyless recovery feature to regain access to your cryptocurrency portfolio.
If you are not really sure how to swap Tether to Shiba Inu or have any other questions related to Zengo’s services, you can simply contact our friendly and professional 24/7 available support staff by either email or live chat. Note that if you have a more general question regarding your account, you can check out our extensive Online Help Center instead.
Trading and investing in digital assets can be both fun and profitable. However, cryptocurrency trading is primarily unregulated, and the majority of cryptocurrency tokens are highly volatile. Zengo protects your cryptocurrency portfolio and enables you access to Web3, Dapps, and decentralized finance, but it doesn’t provide its users financial advice, nor does it recommend buying, selling, staking, or trading any digital assets. Always do your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency.
Zengo goes above and beyond to ensure swapping USDT for SHIB, and the other way around is as effortless as possible. However, if you still have questions about swapping Tether for Shiba Inu, check out the FAQ section below.
The difference between Tether and Shiba Inu is that Tether is a so-called stablecoin because its value is pegged to the United States Dollar. This makes it less volatile compared to other digital assets like Shiba Inu. Another key difference between Tether and Shiba Inu is that Tether tokens are issued by a single company and is, therefore, considered centralized, whilst Shiba Inu is a decentralized cryptocurrency token with not a single designated issuer.
This means that you sell your Tether tokens through Zengo’s swapping service and receive Shiba Inu tokens in return. You can also do this the other way around if you prefer to do so.
Yes, you will always need a safe and reliable cryptocurrency platform like Zengo to trade Tether for Shiba Inu and the other way around. Once you have downloaded and installed your Zengo wallet app, you can swap Bitcoin, Tether, Shiba Inu, and other cryptocurrencies, such as MATIC, Voyager, and Decentraland, against low, competitive fees.
Yes, but the required trading amounts via Zengo’s swapping services are dynamic and vary based on current market conditions. We recommend logging into your Zengo wallet app and navigating to the trade screen to find out the current minimum trading amounts between Shiba Inu and Tether.
For more information about Zengo minimum trading amounts, fees and limits, click here.
With Zengo, you can trade BTC, ETH, SHIB, DOGE, XTZ, USDC, USDT, MATIC, ALPHA, SAND, MANA, and EUROC. All these tokens and countless others can be swapped for both Tether and Shiba Inu.
Yes, you can definitely send USDT and SHIB tokens from your Zengo wallet to other external wallets whenever you deem fit. To do this, launch the Zengo app, navigate to the Tether or Shiba Inu trade screen from the main menu, determine how many tokens you want to send, paste the receiving address, follow the on-screen instructions, and tap the ‘’Send’’ button.
You know when your Tether to Shiba Inu trade is completed when the status of the trade changes from ‘’Trade Pending’’ to ‘’Trade Received’’ within the transaction history screen of Zengo.
There is no doubt that you should store your Tether or Shiba Inu tokens in your Zengo wallet, as it is the safest and most secure Web3-ready non-custodial wallet. In addition, it enables you access to Web3, decentralized finance, and NFT marketplaces. Furthermore, Zengo guarantees that only you can access the private keys to your coins via its biometric facial recognition 3FA system.
Yes, you can buy Tether and Shiba Inu tokens with Zengo. To buy either of the two token types, launch the app, tap “Actions” on the main menu, then tap the ‘’Buy’’ button on the following screen, and select the desired cryptocurrency. It is also possible to buy other cryptocurrencies through Zengo, such as Ethereum, Dogecoin, Tezos, and Polygon. Available payment methods include Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, and Bank Wire Transfers.
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